Monday, 30 April 2012

HHipHop Influences Ppl | Evaluation

My work has included images which anybody could find in the internet of notorious biggies smalls aka Christopher Wallace. Within my planning i also added images of artistes who make a huge impact in the music industry in similar times as Biggie in hip hop for example P diddy Aka Puff daddy.

My information that i will bring into my project will be from my own Independent research and some previous documentary and interviews of Christopher Wallace.

My documentary shows the way biggie lived his life and his surrounding. within my planning of my work i learn a lot more about Christopher Wallace.

I involved different people in my project such as students from my group because they bring my project to life due to their opinions and different background. Because my participants all have a different background my project will stand out and different viewers will like it because it wont be a one sided documentary.

The documentary will keep my viewers in a good vibe due to background music associated with my short videos and images presented.

Working through out the last couple months on my project realy helped me and gave me the confidance i needed to carry on to work hard also put my head down and concentrate which ingaged me.

I feel like i  enjoy taking part also with other projects involving different documentary work for example other students in my media class whent through there documentarys which i anylised, this tought me i could do better. My opinion is that making the documentary realy aint hard however this project was realy easy because i had to simply put together a small documentary which turned out to be less than ten minutes long however it took alot of consentration and hard effert to complete it.

This is my first project i dont expect this small documentary to be the best however it could be a little taster before my next project in the future.

The start of this project was clearly hard for me because i did not understand from the start that the main point of the short documentry was to help me open up my mind and help me have some production work experience if in media productions. Little did iknow that i will have to improve my ideas as the project carries on.

My work rate became harder after couple weeks of production work when i found out that all my ideas and my thoughts and feelings about this title (HHHI) "How Hip Hop Influeneces young people" should not be the only appealing thing/high light of my documentary but also should include how to lay out my question and make sure my ideas stays appealing to different viewers and age groups.

Next project i will push my abbiltites even harder than before because i feel confidant to start my next project because i want to test myself and see how far i can push my work rate. After i anylise contributions from everyone, my next aim will be to take advises aslo comments, example good or bad feedbacks from couple people so then from then i will start my new project with an enthusiasticness mentality.

Friday, 27 April 2012


My production about hip hop will include music and images of couple hip hop artistes from around the world that are in the music industry. These images will be involved through out the short video clip this will summarizes the hole idea of the project and make it easier for the viewers to see the message behind this project plus the ideas it title "How Hip Hop influences People"